Peter Bennett, Publisher of and Author of “Life Lessons of a Harvard Reject” will speak on Relationship Building As it will be just days before Valentine’s Day, guest speaker Peter Bennett, author of Life Lessons of a Harvard Reject, will speak on how to build strong relationships. To be a relationship-builder, Bennett will show […]
Dean Rodia, Parks and Landscape Maintenance Superintendent 2/1/2013
Speaker: Dean Rodia, Parks and Landscape Maintenance Superintendent will discuss issues on Landscape Maintenance in District #2 The Parks and Landscape Maintenance group, under the direction of Superintendent Dean Rodia, is responsible for maintaining the citywide system of parks, landscapes, street trees, paseos, and equestrian trails. The park system is staffed seven days a week […]
Taylor Weiss with the Tony Robbins Organization will speak on January 25, 2013
Speaker: Taylor Weiss This workshop is a 30 minute in-house No-Cost No-Obligation Customized Results Workshop that comes with great value and empowering strategies that can and will change one’s life forever-on a personal and professional level! You and your group are on your way to learning some life-changing skills that will impact every aspect of […]
“Annual Real Estate Forecast” with Randall Lewis, Lewis Group of Companies January 18 2013
Speaker: Randall W. Lewis, Executive Vice President Randall Lewis oversees the sales and marketing operations of the Company. Randall received his B.A. from Claremont McKenna College. He is regarded as an industry leader in promoting the arts, education, healthy living and sustainable development initiatives. He has been President of the Inland Empire Arts Foundation, Secretary […]
“Additional Ways to Earn Income” with Kurt De Meire, County Records Research – January 11 2013
County Records Research has been providing comprehensive DAILY FORECLOSURE REPORTS for over 27 years. Customers receive unlimited consultation by experienced foreclosure buyers and may enhance their knowledge by attending monthly seminars given by our staff attorney.Speaker: Kurt De Meire, County Records Research Breakfast Sponsor Meritage Homes 909 320 7887 Peter DeLaTorre Are you […]
“What’s new in the City of Rancho Cucamonga?” January 4 2013
The Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency administers a variety of economic development, redevelopment, and housing-related programs that support businesses and residents in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Established in 1981, the Agency has assisted in the elimination of blighted conditions resulting in the development of new public facilities and affordable housing projects, improved infrastructure, and in […]