360 Virtual Tours For Realtors Speaker: Toni Momberger Today’s homebuyer starts by looking online. What a virtual tour is, (and what it isn’t) How buyers are finding the homes they buy How agents are attracting sellers searching for agents online Data on real estate and technology Here is my presentation. https://infogram.com/virtual-tours-for-real-estate-1hxj48jqw5v72vg?live Breakfast Sponsor Van Noy […]
Societal Shift | The Impact of advancing technologies on local crimes that affect our kids | July 26, 2019
Societal Shift The Impact of advancing technologies on local crimes that affect our kids. Million Kids serves as the Training and Outreach Coordinator for the Riverside County Anti Human Trafficking Task Force and this presentation will look at local cases in the Inland Empire of sex trafficking, sextortion and social media exploitation. We will discuss […]
Professor Andrew Truong | July 19, 2019
Professor Andrew Truong Andrew Truong spent nearly 15 years in higher education as contributing faculty for both the California State University and University of California systems. His academic portfolio included strategic management, operations and statistical analysis. He also served as administrator for graduate business programs at 2 local universities, and was instrumental in developing and […]
Ticor SoCal Title Administrator – Chris Akin | July 12, 2019
Ticor SoCal Title Administrator: Chris Akin Topic: Transfer On Death Deed Current Hurdles In RE from Title Perspective Breakfast Sponsor Disclosure Save Larry Church 909-582-8715 Friday Morning Active Networking & Breakfast at 8:15am Meeting 8:30-9:30am Central Park 11200 Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Active Networking is just that: meet someone new, getting involved, […]
Happy 4th of July | WEREP will be dark
CREDIT REPAIR | MBM Credit Solutions | Diego Merlos!
CREDIT REPAIR MBM Credit Solutions Diego Merlos! How Your Credit Score Is Affected Statute of limitations on Bankruptcy, Collections & Charge Offs. Should Your Client Pay Off Their Collections? Leveraging Relationship Banking How Buyers Can Obtain Their Free Credit Report Breakfast Sponsor Craig & Sons Termite Christine Conejo 909-335-1486 christine@craigandsons.com Friday Morning Active Networking & […]